Transit and Self-propelled
This stylish wheelchair is highly configurable which means users can adjust any of the features to ensure the best comfort and performance.
The frame is lightweight aluminium, making the wheelchair easy to manoeuvre and manage with custom features including adjustable backrest angle and height, adjustable seat depth and seat to ground height and adjustable rear wheel position. The chair also has optional slowing brakes so the attendant doesn’t need to worry about control on hills and slopes.
- Configurable wheelchair with a multitude of settings
- Robust frame design ensures maximum stability and driving performance
- Successfully crash tested
- Coloured release mechanisms are easy to find and operate
- Height adjustable armrests with ergo 2 armadas provide comfortable support
Type Transit and Self Propel
Seat Width (“) 15, 16, 17. 18, 19, 20
Max User Weight 130Kg
Weight From 9kg
Colours Silver Black
‘The Old Wagonworks’
Nr. Shaftesbury